Fork in the Road

  It was late 2007 and I was working in an oil refinery in western Canada. I hadn’t felt fulfilled in the role of engineer in the energy industry, working in vast expenses of concrete...

New Year, New Wellness (Hello 2025!)

  As we close out another year, we want to take a moment to reflect, express gratitude, and look forward together to 2025!   This past year has been filled with continued growth, unforeseen challenges,...

Hany Takes on Fancy Food 2024!

This year, Hany ventured to the Fancy Food Show in New York City and returned with exciting insights and positive feedback that we're thrilled to share!   Hibiscus Ginger Oxymel: A Hit in Seltzer Our...

Earth Day in 2024 with Hany's Harvest 🌎

Earth Day is a day to take stock on how we’re doing to measure up on our core value of sustainability. We take great pride in the fact that by doing all of our production...

Big News From Our Family to Yours!

We've kept this a secret for months...and we're elated to announce the latest addition to the Hany’s Harvest team…. Solomon Musa ElDiwany, born January 13, 2024!   A big part of Adina's and my wellness journey has had...

Happy Earth Day!

Happy (early) Earth Day, Friends! Since moving our lives and business to the Hudson Valley four years ago, our connection to Mother Earth has deepened in more ways than we can describe.  If you've read...

Officially Launching our Rebrand!

It feels like a year since we unveiled our new labels at the Natural Foods Expo in Anaheim last month...and now we're thrilled to announce that the whole line is FINALLY ready to go with...

Unveiling our Rebrand at Natural Foods Expo West!

This past week was a whirlwind! We revealed our brand refresh at the Natural Foods Expo in Anaheim, CA! The extraordinarily positive response we received for our potent wellness tonics and our gorgeous new labels was exhilarating. Being in the...

Props to our Partners at the Lone Duck Farm!

Spring is just about in the air, and we're doing our late winter hive check at our favorite apiary over at the Lone Duck Farm in Saugerties, NY. Owners Lisa and Tom are the best...